Equipment boost!

I invested in some new top of the line equipment a little while ago now and I’m very pleased with the results I’ve been getting from the Canon 1DX mk2, 600EX II-RT flash and ST-E3-RT transmitter.

The new kit gives me greater flexibility in difficult conditions where others might struggle.  This really is the best photography equipment on the market at the moment and I’m proud to be able to be using this in my work.

I’ve bought a new camera!

I took the plunge and decided to get an additional full frame camera so I bought the Canon 1Ds mk3.  I was out to test it tonight and the results are stunning, it’s certainly a tool which will help me do my job better!


New Canon cameras announced

I’m due to buy another camera body to keep up with my demand for ultimate quality.  But here’s the dilemma – do I buy the 5D mk3 or hold out for the 1D X?

If I get the 5D I’ll need the battery grip.  Both are full frame cameras and their specification sheets read well.  At least I can afford to wait and see how they pan out and keep my eye on availability and price.  I might even wait until well into Summer which will allow the market to settle a little and any small bugs to be ironed out in Firmware updates.

Whatever the decision it’ll be a good investment and compliment the existing equipment I have already.

New equipment addition – Canon 70-200mm f2.8L IS USM II

As part of my expansion plan for the best Canon professional equipment, I bought the new mk2 version of the already superb Canon 70-200 f2.8 image stabilised lens along with the 2x Canon extender.

Well worth the outlay, this lens is simply amazing!

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